If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, don’t hesitate to call or text 988, day or night.
Education Programs are held in person and on Zoom.
Our Education Programs begin at 6 PM after our Board meeting. Our meeting location is at the StandDown building:722 33rd Avenue North, St. Cloud, MN
Please park in the north parking lot and enter the door at top of the ramp.
(rear entrance)
If you have questions or suggestions for education program topics:
Please call the NAMI St. Cloud Area phone: 320-654-1259
or email Nick Johnston: [email protected]. Thank you.
Our annual Board meeting is held in January. We will resume our Education programs in February 2025.
Thanks to our Presenters for generously sharing their time with us.
We are ever grateful.
February 18: "EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing"
Dr. James Tuorila, PHD
March 18: "The ABC's of Mental Illness: A is for Anxiety"
Kay King, Mental health educator, NAMI Minnesota
April 15: David Goehl-Manolis, NAMI MN Suicide Prevention Coordinator
" CALM Conversations"
May 20: Consumer Panel. Consumers share their journey from illness to recovery. Dale Anderson, MS, CPRP 90 Minutes)
June 17: "Alternative Treatments for Inpatient Care for Persons With a Mental Illness" Kathy LaGow, LP
July 15: "Understanding the Caregiver Experience: The Caregiver Journey Map" Jess Behrends, MSSW, LICSW. Caregiving Support Program Manager, St. Cloud VA.
August 19: Legislative panel. Meet with area legislators to review legislative results from the 2025 session and to discuss other state and local issues.
September 16: "Mental health services provided to those in Stearns County Jail" Jen Luberts
October 21: "Everthing You Ever Wanted to Know about LGBTQ. Angel Hight, CentraCare Health Care
An 8-week Family-to-Family series
will be presented by Chuck and Sanda Lang,
beginning in April.
Each class will last 2 1/2 hours.
More information will be posted regarding registration.
Local Support Group meetings:
Albany Mental Health Support Group
Every Monday 5:30 - 6:30 (except holidays)
CentraCare Clinic (Conference Room)
300 Third Avenue, Albany, MN
Call 320-845-2157 for info
****** NAMI Minnesota Groups and Classes ******
Check out all the classes offered through NAMI Minnesota: That link is https://namimn.org/education-and-public-awareness/classes/https-namimn-org-education-and-public-awareness-classes-all-scheduled-classes/
Nami Minnesota
Tuesdays, February 27 – April 16 (8 weeks): 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Registration: Those who are interested in the class will need to contact the program leader to ensure the class is a good fit and be accepted into the class. Please contact Julie McGary at (651) 248-4248 and [email protected]
Family-to-Family is an 8-session educational program for family, loved ones, and friends of a teen or adult living with a mental illness; it is not intended for individuals who are living with a mental illness themselves. It is an evidence-based program as research shows the Family-to-Family class significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person living with a mental illness. Led by trained family members who have been there, this program provides information and strategies for taking care of the person you love, includes presentations, discussions, and interactive exercises, and you’ll also find support among peers and feel that you’re not alone.
Parent Support Group
Sometimes the best resource for parents and caregivers of children with challenging behaviors are other parents and caregivers who are facing the same issues and challenges. PLEASE JOIN US!
BRIDGES Sherburne County Children’s Mental Health Collaborative
When: Third Monday of every month
From: 6:00 – 8:00pm***
Where: Virtual Meeting
This Month: NAMI will present Via Zoom --
You’re The Expert: How To Successfully Advocate For Your Children
Each Sherburne County family that attends the entire presentation and actively participates will receive a $15 gift card to Pizzaman
***NOTE: Meeting will begin at 6:00pm. RSVP to Sara Pundsack: [email protected]
Hope For Recovery
Obtain information about mental illnesses, treatments, crisis management, suicide prevention, the mental health system and local resources along with practical strategies for helping a loved one or friend. This includes learning the LEAP strategy for improving communication; Listen, Empathize, Agree-on what you can, and Partner. It is a six-hour workshop for family and friends of a teen or adult living with a mental illness and people living with a mental illness who are doing well in their recovery.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
Learn the three steps anyone can take to help prevent suicide. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught gatekeeper training program in the United States, and more than one million adults have been trained in classroom settings in 48 states. This class is for members of the community over the age of 16 who want to learn best practices in suicide prevention. A certificate of attendance is available for this class.
Gray Matters: Understanding Depression in Older Adults
Feelings of sadness, loneliness and grief are normal. However, when this sadness is intense, is felt for a long period of time, interferes with our ability to get along with others or to carry out the activities of everyday life…..than it could be depression. Join NAMI Minnesota to talk about risk factors, warning signs, stigma, discrimination, treatment, recovery and resources for depression in older adults. Suicide prevention resources will also be discussed. Depression is not a normal part of aging. A certificate of attendance is available for this class and will be sent after you fill out the evaluation.
Family-to-Family Program
Learn about mental illnesses, the brain, treatment, and resources to help a loved one living with a mental illness. Attendees will also build communication skills, reduce stress, find support and discover the common Stages of Emotional Responses when supporting someone with a mental illness. This workshop meets weekly for two and a half hours for 8 weeks, and there is also a web-based version of this course) and is for family and friends of an adult living with a mental illness. We offer several Family to Family classes in various locations in Minnesota twice per year in the fall and winter/spring. The classes have a cap of 25 participants. You may join up to the 2rd week only, then the class is closed. To register contact the instructor for a short interview.
Obtain information about mental illnesses, treatments, crisis management, suicide prevention, the mental health system and local resources along with practical strategies for helping a loved one or friend. This includes learning the LEAP strategy for improving communication; Listen, Empathize, Agree-on what you can, and Partner. It is a six-hour workshop for family and friends of a teen or adult living with a mental illness and people living with a mental illness who are doing well in their recovery.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
Learn the three steps anyone can take to help prevent suicide. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught gatekeeper training program in the United States, and more than one million adults have been trained in classroom settings in 48 states. This class is for members of the community over the age of 16 who want to learn best practices in suicide prevention. A certificate of attendance is available for this class.
Gray Matters: Understanding Depression in Older Adults
Feelings of sadness, loneliness and grief are normal. However, when this sadness is intense, is felt for a long period of time, interferes with our ability to get along with others or to carry out the activities of everyday life…..than it could be depression. Join NAMI Minnesota to talk about risk factors, warning signs, stigma, discrimination, treatment, recovery and resources for depression in older adults. Suicide prevention resources will also be discussed. Depression is not a normal part of aging. A certificate of attendance is available for this class and will be sent after you fill out the evaluation.
Family-to-Family Program
Learn about mental illnesses, the brain, treatment, and resources to help a loved one living with a mental illness. Attendees will also build communication skills, reduce stress, find support and discover the common Stages of Emotional Responses when supporting someone with a mental illness. This workshop meets weekly for two and a half hours for 8 weeks, and there is also a web-based version of this course) and is for family and friends of an adult living with a mental illness. We offer several Family to Family classes in various locations in Minnesota twice per year in the fall and winter/spring. The classes have a cap of 25 participants. You may join up to the 2rd week only, then the class is closed. To register contact the instructor for a short interview.
For Dates and Information on NAMI Minnesota groups: