Welcome February and Brighter Days!
Remember you are important. Your life matters. No matter where you are from, what race, religion, gender or ability, you are important! Never doubt it!
10 Tips for good mental health:
Get plenty of sunlight.
Get plenty of sleep.
Eat well.
Avoid alcohol and smoking.
Manage stress.
Activity and exercise.
Do something you enjoy.
Connect with others and be sociable.
Do things for others.
Ask when you need help.
If you or someone you love are experiencing a mental health crises, don't hesitate to call or text 988, anytime, day or night.
NAMI Minnesota offers classes like "Self-Care and Mindfulness" and The Practice of Positive Psychology" for the general public. Sign up for a class at namimn.org
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The National Alliance on Mental Illness
is the nation’s largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families.
NAMI St. Cloud Area has been active for over 37 years, always blessed with dedicated Board members and volunteers who provide education, advocacy and support. Click on the We offer free monthly educational programs February thru December, and publish a quarterly Newsletter. Our Family Support Group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month, currently meeting via Hey Peers online meeting format.
(Click on the Family Support Group link for more details).
We provide resources at many area events, and provide gifts to mental health inpatients at area facilities during the Holidays.
Our NAMI St. Cloud Area warm phone line: 320-654-1259
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We are currently looking to welcome to our Board of Directors a few dedicated people.
Please let us know if you're interested in visiting with current Board members to see if it would be a good fit for you.
Call 320-654-1259.
Consider becoming a member of NAMI St. Cloud Area.
Go to the link Members and Memberships and download the form.
Our Mission:
NAMI St. Cloud Area's mission is to provide advocacy, education, support and public awareness so all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.
NAMI St. Cloud Area's mission is to provide advocacy, education, support and public awareness so all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.